She's lived 200 lifetimes. And never turned 17.
Kali Brewster isn't like other teenage girls. She can't be because her qi, her immortal soul, is 3623 years old. It's what makes her a wanshiqi, part of an immortal race who can reincarnate into any form. But Kali's different, even among her kind.
She's serving her sentence for what happened in Pompeii. As punishment, she and her family are forced to reincarnate into human bodies, shackling their existence to one life form.
Reaching her 17th human birthday will end her sentence and return her family to their full wanshiqi existence. Once that happens, all her ties to them will be broken. She will come of age. Nothing will ever be like it was again.
Her one goal for the past 200 lifetimes? To die before her 17th human birthday. She has yet to fail. The trick is making her family think her death is an accident. Because none of them are pleased to be a part of her punishment and all of them want it to be over. But it's not up to them. It's up to her.
She doesn't want everything to change. She doesn't want to lose who she is. She doesn't want to let go of her family. She's about to learn that this is the lifetime where every decision counts. And living might be the only way to protect what really matters to her.