Easy Weaving with Little Looms is a perennial favorite. By popular demand, it will now be available by subscription. Each issue will have the mix of 18–22 projects, techniques, and features you love, expanding the focus on fundamental weaving skills, creative inspiration, and innovative applications. Each issue is designed to have something for beginning and more experienced weavers. In addition to the core subjects of rigid-heddle and pin-loom weaving, Little Looms regularly includes projects and articles about tapestry, tablet weaving, and inkle weaving.
Little Looms
NEVER SAY NEVER AGAIN: THE OLD WAY • In Part Two of Tom’s rigid-heddle adventure, he takes the bumper loom for a spin.
BRILLIANT BANDS WITH GRADIENTS • A full range of yarn colors produces the subtle shifts you need.
WHY AND HOW TO WEAVE PIN-LOOM COLOR GAMPS • I can’t think of a better way to explore how colors blend in handwovens than by weaving a color gamp.
WEAVING AND DESIGNING with Variegated yarns • We’ve all done it—gone into a yarn shop and fallen in love with a single skein of hand-dyed yarn. We have no idea what we’ll do with it, but we just know the perfect project will come along eventually. So we take it home and add it to our stash.
EXPLORING THE WOVEN WORLDS OF DY BEGAY • If you drive north and west out of Gallup, New Mexico, where I grew up, you enter a land full of mesas, red sandstone cliffs, and sagebrush. You won’t find much water, but you’ll encounter plenty of sunshine, wind, and endless horizons. Traditional ways are still followed around the hogans and homes on the Navajo reservations of New Mexico and Arizona, and there are many weavers practicing their art. Driving west from Chinle, Arizona, and Canyon de Chelly, the roads go from pavement to gravel to dirt, and the broad sweep of open land runing away to the mesas on the horizon embraces you if you let it. This is the land near Tsélání where Diné (Navajo) weaver and artist DY Begay is from, the land she often depicts in her tapestries.
WEAVING IN COLOR • Add bright and beautiful colors to your studio and your handwovens with these vibrant goodies.
POOLED WARPING FOR COLOR BLENDING • Continuous-strand weaving is modular and constrained— but it’s also adaptable and free. The warp-pooling technique is an example of its adaptability. With this technique, you can join pin-loom panels while they are on the loom—no sewing or off-loom joins required. That the pooled-warp technique takes the place of sewing is what initially drew me to it, because I don’t like sewing (and I’m sure I’m not alone in feeling that way).
keep it cool • Bring down the temperature of your home and wardrobe with projects featuring colors on the cooler side.
SOME LIKE IT HOT • Bold reds and oranges give these projects a powerful pop.
subtle shifts • Multicolored yarns and clever warping create fabric with almost magical color shifts.
Bold & BEAUTIFUL • Projects that are as clever as they are colorful.
CRUCIAL CROCHET • Looking for a new fiber technique to add to your weaving tool kit? Consider crochet! While crochet makes beautiful textiles on its own, it also pairs wonderfully with weaving—especially work done on pin looms. Use crochet to make decorative borders, attractive joins, and clever closures. Once you know the fundamentals of crochet—crochet chain, slip stitch, and single crochet— a whole new world of embellishment will open to you.
hello WEAVERS!
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